Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Wednesday 30th September 
Today was a pretty good day, this morning we had to carry on with our blogs and then we swapped blogs with another person, so they could basically review what we had done so far. I swapped with Bridey and she wrote a lot of great things about what I had done, so I was pretty pleased with that!:)

Once our school day was over at 12:15 we went outside to see that freshers week was on!! We walked around for about half an hour laughing our heads off at everything that was happening, the students did a really great job of setting it up!! I had a quick 45 minute break and had to go back to school to do functional skills maths.

 After I had finished my maths I met up with Amy, Lawrence, Bridey, Dan, Callum, Sophie and Ryan and we all went to Nandos!! It was my first Nandos ever and it was yummy, however I was disappointed because I was expecting it to be amazing from the way everyone raved over it but oh well we had a laugh, at one point I was nearly in tears because I laughed so much!!

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Tuesday 29th September 2015

Today we firstly had an induction on a film camera, telling us how to use them and set them up etc... Once we had done that we went down to the Barbican and took photo's using a film camera, we used black and white film and took some cool shots of things that took our interest. I also used my digital camera to take some photo's as well, I didn't take many because I was mainly focused on using the film camera.

 Later on in the afternoon, after lunch we had to do a pie chart on how much time we spend on doing things during the week, e.g. sleeping, school, relaxing etc... and change it into a percentage, this was to add in some maths to our course so we could use the percentages for if we have to use them in later life.
After we had finished that we had the choice on updating or blogs or going out and practising taking more photo's, so me and a few others decided to go to the park and take some more pictures. 

I couldn't choose whether to use this photo in black and white or colour, so I thought i'd try both. I feel as if the colour brings something to the photo but I also feel that the black and white takes quite a fun photo into quite a different perspective.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Monday 28th September 2015

Today we had contextual studies in the morning and had to make a manifesto on what we were against for example smoking etc.. however our group did David cameron and the pig situation. I don't actually know why we chose to do this I think we just thought it would be something funny to do that is in the news. But considering we didn't have a great deal of time I thought we did a pretty cool job of it. Others did things like women's body image and some did things on how noses are pointless, which i thought was quite funny.

In the afternoon we had a session on photoshop in which we had to learn how to create layers etc.. we had to do an adjustment layer and a black and white layer so when we start editing our photo's we don't completely change the photo because if there is a layer on top you can easily just switch between the photo's and see the difference etc.. 

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th September 2015
This weekend was a pretty boring weekend because I just worked both days. I do what I guess you call a 'part time job' as I only work weekends or in the summer etc doing waitressing. I enjoy the experience that I get at the job and also have hilarious people that I work with but it is very hard work and sometimes can put a lot of pressure on you. But hey ho, it pays the bills;) I took a selfie because I couldn't find anything to take a photo of at work that looked cool and plus im working so I cant just whip out my camera and start taking photo's like I wish I could but oh well, any way it's sunday now and im just catching up on all my blogging but I don't really think there's much else to say about today, except I had the most amazing beef stroganoff evaaa, thanks mum!:)

Friday, 25 September 2015

Friday 25th September 2015

Today I didn't really do a lot except chill out and make the most amazing hot chocolate in the world! I also practised doing some make up because I got bored and ended up taking a billion selfies that I didn't like and they all got deleted hahha. I also played sims 4 for a large amount of the day because I LOVE it. I then had my dinner and spent the rest of the evening chatting to my friends of facebook and listening to music before going to sleep. Such an eventful and productive day! (jk)

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Thursday 24th September 2015
Today was my day off and what a great day off it was! I went and met my best friend who I hadn't seen for what seems like an eternity! We went and had a costa and had the biggest catch up ever! She didn't see me on my birthday because I was away and then she went away so she didn't get to give me my birthday present, so she gave it to me today and I loved it! She bought me a cute journal and a necklace replica from the harry potter movie!

When I got back from meeting her, I made myself some lunch and just spent the rest of the day on tumblr haha.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Tuesday 22nd September 2015

Today we had to go out and take photo's in the style of our chose photographer which was cool. I chose to take photo's in the style of music photographer, Tom Oldham. To do this I decided to take a picture of Bridey, who hates having her picture taken, so she covered her face with her hands and I thought it looked pretty cool. I didn't really like the background so I decided to do something that Tom Oldham had done and put in a background, obviously his is black but I chose to put white as Bridey was wearing a dark coloured jumper. I was also used as a 'model' for this task, as you can see I've been made to kinda look like a tramp haha. Lawrence took this really cool photo of me so I thought I'd add it into my blog. Thanks Lawrence:)
In the afternoon we had to be split into two groups and for the first session with Jen we had to tell everyone in our group who we researched from the music photographer task and talk about what we found out about them. We then had a lesson with Cass on contact sheets and how to make them. I made one but the printer didn't work so unfortunately I don't have it:( but I took a photo of one of the examples we were given:)

photo creds to Lawrence !!

lmao Amy took this

Monday, 21 September 2015

Monday 21st September 2015

After a long boring bus journey I arrived at school on time for once! When I got to school we had contextual studies on cockney rhyming slang. I didn't enjoy this because it doesn't have anything to do with photography. We then had to create a product to present to people in our group. I worked with Jordan, Amy and Bridey. We created a movie poster called 'MacBeth 2k15' which was essentially a film about me. We then learnt about some music photographers and my favourite was called tom oldham, who is quite a recent photographer and actually studied at pca. We then did a task on depth of field, using different focuses in our pictures. I didn't do amazingly on this task but I think I still took some pretty cool photo's!

Friday, 18 September 2015

Friday 18th September 2015

Today I woke up at around 10:30 because I'm lazy, I went down stairs and grabbed myself some pop tarts for breakfast and then decided to get dressed and walk into town. I bought myself a few make up bits because I was running low and bought myself some lunch on the way back home. I then came home and took my dog for a
walk around my area.

Later on, me and my sister decided to go out and take some photo's because we were bored.
We went around my area again and I ended up taking photo's of flowers and my sister. We then walked back home and had our dinner, which was homemade pizza!!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Wednesday 16th 2015
Today was a Wednesday and that means only half a day at college, well it would be for me if I had passed maths but I have to stay until 2pm to do functional skills. Anyway today we went to studio 11 and was told that we had to carry on with our blogs if we hadn't started them or hadn't completed them yet, so I took the opportunity to edit and start the blog days that I hadn't done yet.
Once we had finished doing that we then partnered up with someone we didn't know from either fashion or graphic design, I partnered with a girl called Imy. We had to talk about what we had done over the first two weeks and also show each other things that we had taken photo's of or drawn etc...
Once we had done that, everyone got to go home but I had lunch with my friends and then went to my functional skills class until 2pm, where we learnt about predictions and measurements. I then went to my bus stop and the bus didn't show so I had to wait an hour in the rain until the next bus came, it finally arrived and I got to go home!

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

    Tuesday 15th September 2015

Today I arrived at school and was told we had a lighting induction! I found this super fun because we experimented with continuous lighting, the lights we used were tungsten (ARRI 300's) and LED. We also played around with the different white balance's on our camera's, including fluorescent and incandescent.
I quite enjoyed playing around with the different lighting etc..because you can really see the difference in natural lighting and controlled lighting. We were put into groups of 6 and we got to play around with the two different lights on our own. We used several people in our groups to act as models so we could see how the features of the model's face change. I took a really cool photo of Jordan and as you can see the lighting really brings out the features of his face in the photo.

We then went to the library after lunch and looked for some books that we found interesting. I picked out a vogue book and some vogue magazines from the 80's, 90's and 00's to see the difference in the models, the way they took photo's and the change in clothing from the different decades. I quite like the fashion side of photography so that's why I picked them out. We then had a lesson on blogging for our first project in case some of us were confused as to what we had to do, we had to find a couple of blogs that we found cool so that we could perhaps base our ideas on them.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Monday 14th September 2015
This morning I woke up and dragged myself out of my ridiculously comfy bed and got myself prepared for school. I made a brisk walk to my bus stop and waited until the slowest bus from the slowest bus company ON EARTH finally decided to show up. The bus finally arrived at my stop and I practically ran to school as the bus decided to make me late...again. When I arrived at school, everyone was sat in studio 11 and was given a task to make their own "Kruger" We all had 10 minutes to design our very own Barbara Kruger masterpiece and honestly it's quite tough thinking of something amazing and out of this world at 9am.

In the afternoon we were given our first assignment, which is a visual diary on our lives. This visual diary is basically a blog of what we do every day and makes us reflect on the things we do during our day. I feel that this will be quite an interesting task to do, and to also see what everyone else’s days are like. I think that it will be quite cool to reflect back on what I do during my day because when you’re just walking past things you’re not really noticing what you’re doing, whereas if you take pictures of things and put it into a blog then you can look back and see what you did during your day and remember the things you saw etc..

Friday, 11 September 2015

Photography week 2

Photography week 2

So this week we started a project on designing an entire room to look like an urban city, and honestly the outcome was amazing. Everyone contributed so many ideas to get this plain room looking like a run down, urban city/ night club. There were also 3 other groups that did 3 different scenes which were festival, wonderland and futuristic and all of them looked super good. There were people dressed in costumes, sound effects, different textures to make it seem realistic and everyone just completely transformed their rooms into something really creative and damn right brilliant! This task lasted Monday and Tuesday and on Wednesday morning we went around to each different one and judged them. After we did that we had to take it all down and put the rooms back to normal, which was a shame because they looked really good!

We then went for lunch and after went to a rather strange 'enrichment', which I completely wasn't expecting but hey ho they're you go, life's full of unexpected things I suppose.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

My college experience - Week 1 

So my first week of Plymouth college of art is over and honestly it's been pretty great. I've stepped out of my comfort zone, met new people, tried new things, and basically completely changed my normal routine to a whole new one, and I'm really enjoying it!

On Tuesday we started doing a task where we had to use a point and shoot camera and take photo's of people on the street that looked "fashionable" We then went back to school and edited them to make them look even more cool than they already did. Everyone's photo's then got showed on the board and they all looked super good!

We also did a task on different 'artistic images' where we had to take a photo of something blue, an out of focus shot, a shot based on lines and a close up portrait of someone. We also used one of the school's camera's to test us on how we are with a camera that we aren't familiar to, much like the first task. I thought this task was excellent because I love finding things to take photo's of, it makes it more of a interesting task. We also edited these photos and everyone went round to each computer screen and viewed each person's photo's.

The Barbican
On Friday we went on a 'scavenger hunt' around Plymouth and took some awesome shots! I found this task super fun because I had never been to the Barbican, the hoe etc..before so it was something new for me to try, also it's somewhere new to take photo's instead of the same places all of the time, and I really enjoyed it.

Overall the first week at pcad has been pretty sick, and I can't wait to get right into the photography!:)