Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Tuesday 19th January 2016

Today we started off by going into the small studio and Kevin helped us out with some different lighting, such as beauty lighting and a lighting that was more of a low-key, shadow lighting. Here are a few of the beauty lighting photos I took, I didn't get to take any of the dark shadowy lighting because I was helping out Amy and Jordan take photo's with the reflectors, which was part of the whole shadow process. To do the beauty lighting, we used a reflective umbrella and attached it to one of the lights, we had to stand at the same angle of the light otherwise you get dark shadow on the models face, which for beauty lighting you don't want a lot of shadow. We also used a reflector under the chin so it didn't create a harsh shadow there either. Then for the more dark lighting we used a soft box and attached it to the front of the light and also used a reflector to a slight angle to produce highlights on the face. In the afternoon we had a session in which we in a way carried on with the task we did last week which was about an article from the New York times about a photographer that was disqualified from a photography competition for editing a photo used for photo journalism. So this week we had to write a letter to the New York times about this article and some of our letters could even be published in the New York times!!!!

Beauty Lighting Diagram

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